
We are grateful for all forms of financial support – the vast majority of each donation will be spent directly on our active projects.

CHF Transfer

With this information, you can transfer a donation directly in Online Banking.

To:       IngOG Schweiz, 8092 Zürich
IBAN: CH47 0900 0000 6015 4664 3

Here you can donate directly with TWINT. You will be redirected with the botton below.

PayPal Logo

Here you can donate directly online with PayPal or credit card. You will be redirected to the secure site of PayPal.


In order to keep administration costs to a minimum, we can currently accept donations by bank transfer or TWINT- an inpayment slip can be sent on request. Alternative payment methods will be available in the near future. With each donation please include your contact details (name, address, E-Mail or telephone number), as well as a message if you would like your donation to be used for a specific cause.

Ingenieure Ohne Grenzen Schweiz is already recognised as a not for profit charitable organisation by most Swiss cantons (ZH, BE, LU, SZ, OW, NW, GL, FR, BS, BL, SH, AI, AG, NE, GE). (Registration with the remaining cantons is ongoing.) Generally donations from CHF 100.- (dependent on canton) will qualify for tax exemption. A donation confirmation will be issued upon receipt.