Drinking water supply, Paraguay

The project started in 2015 in the small indigenous village Hugua Chini in the middle of the Chaco of Paraguay. After an in-depth evaluation trip in 2016 to Hugua Chini, a pilot project for biosand filters and rainwater harvesting and its evaluation in 2017/2018, we had to diversify the focus of [...]

La Florida, Quilmes, Argentina

The existing kindergarten in Villa La Florida was visited daily by 80 children aged 2-5 years. The building (about 110m2) also serves as a multi-functional room (SUM, or salón de usos múltiples). Beside child care activities, the SUM hosts activities for the community (such as workshops, courses, [...]

Colonia Dora (Bridge), Argentina

[slideshow_deploy id='359'] Idea In the course of the master's program, our group of civil engineering students wished to use our acquired knowledge in the form of a project in the field of development aid. In the search for a suitable project, we asked various national subsidiaries of "Engineers [...]

Srikakulam, India

Approximately 30km north of the town of Srikakulam in the province of Andhra Pradesh, the local NGO Rural Self Development Trust (RISDT, www.risdt.org) runs a farm which serves to train local farmers in ecology and sustainable agriculture. On the farm, an orchard is cultivated on an area of [...]